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Nurturing the Natural – A series in god knows how many parts – Part the First

“The assumption that what currently exists must necessarily exist is the acid that corrodes all visionarythinking.”- Murray Bookchin “Humans!”My favorite way to exclaim the word is shaking a fist to the sky in exasperation. Bared teeth through agrimace. Sheesh, the sun is bright today. Also beautiful. I should get out to shake my fist at…

Everything in Moderation

We have come into quite a tumultuous time in history. The political climate is at a boiling point, a life-threatening virus has crept into every corner of the world, and cultural differences that, rather than being celebrated and appreciated, are dividing a nation. Politics have often been some of the most divisive mechanisms in society…

Kinda, Sorta, Ish?

Growing up as a Hindu, I naturally had a lot of questions about why we did certain things the way we did or what the meaning behind something is. Whenever I asked questions, I would get the generic, “That’s just how things have always been” or people beat around the bush, not really giving me…